Oh la musique de Montreal....
Ok, as 4 AM posts go, they do tend to sway to one side or the other of some spectrum. Either you've had a good night and it's wonderful, or you've had a bad night and..it's not. Luckily, as has been the trend since arriving here, it's good night.
I played my first show today with Mind That Bird! We played at Grumpys, a bar near Concordia (woo Concordia! This is mostly applicable to Ben, I suppose). It went quite well, considering I don't know the songs so well....the next band was from Windsor, and they were quite good. Most of their songs were wistful, relating to living in a 'dying town'. This is what happens with you live in Detroit/Windsor.
and, as with most Montreal nights it seems, it didn't end there. I went out for a cigarette on the porch (shut up, I've already quit. Just not now. B/c it's like North American Europe here, so it doesn't count. Shut up!) and made friends with the neighbors, who played me the music of their friends (they also spent some time speaking French but I'm in language overload and my brain can only handle it if my head is in it. So I vetoed that, b/c I can speak like a 5 years old. Maybe 8 year old since moving here! But it's not conducive to conversation and I'm already forgetting whatever English I knew) b/c I mentioned I worked (and WILL WORK, j'espere...) in PR.
I must say, I am just utterly infatuated with this entire city. Every time I leave my house something happens that makes me happy.
Also, official shout out to Mir and Syed for loaning me this very lovely MacBook. You guys may not like Macs, but Steve Jobs basically owns me, so I'm loving this computer...
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